Managing Software on Fedora Desktop Fedora Icon

Fedora Desktop provides several ways to manage software. We'll cover both graphical and command-line methods.

Graphical Methods

1. GNOME Software

GNOME Software is a user-friendly application store for Fedora Desktop. To use it:

  1. Open GNOME Software from the Activities overview
  2. Browse or search for the software you want
  3. Click on the application and then click "Install"

2. Software Updates

To keep your system and installed software up to date:

  1. Open Software from the Activities overview
  2. Click on the Updates tab
  3. Click "Download" to fetch the updates
  4. Click "Restart & Install" to apply the updates

Command-line Methods

Using DNF (Dandified Yum)

DNF is a powerful command-line tool for managing software. Here are some basic commands:

  • sudo dnf update - Update the package list and upgrade all installed packages
  • sudo dnf install [package-name] - Install a package
  • sudo dnf remove [package-name] - Remove a package
  • dnf search [keyword] - Search for packages
  • dnf info [package-name] - Show package details

Remember to use sudo for commands that require administrative privileges.

Software Repositories

Fedora uses software repositories to distribute and update software. The main types are:

You can manage repositories using the dnf config-manager command or by editing files in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory.

Flatpak and Snap

Fedora Desktop also supports alternative package formats:

Tips for Software Management

  1. Regularly update your system to get the latest features and security patches.
  2. Be cautious when adding third-party repositories or COPR projects.
  3. If you're unsure about a package, research it before installing.
  4. Use sudo dnf